Rev. Dr. Matthew C. McGruder, Pastor of the Sunset Baptist Church, Grand Prairie, Texas, was born in Corpus Christi, Texas. He is a graduate of Southern Bible Institute, Dallas, Texas; he attended Dallas Baptist College in Dallas and Del Mar College in Corpus Christi. He is a 1967 graduate of Solomon M. Coles High School, Corpus Christi, Texas. Pastor McGruder is married to Cynthia McGruder. He has three sons - Curtis, Matthew James, and Michael and is a fourth-generation preacher.
-1973, Rev. McGruder was Associate Minister at St. John Baptist Church of Corpus Christi, Texas.
-In 1974, Rev. McGruder moved to Grand Prairie, Texas and served as Associate Minister of Sunset Baptist Church.
- In 1976, Rev. McGruder became Pastor of Cedar Fork Baptist Church in Trinidad, Texas.
- In 1977, Rev. McGruder returned to Grand Prairie as pastor of Sunset Baptist Church, “A Church where God abides and Love is Intentional”, and has remained pastor for the past fortyone years.
-In 1987, under the leadership of Pastor McGruder, Sunset dedicated a new sanctuary to the worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Presently, Sunset has a membership of some 500 members.
-In May 2018, Pastor McGruder received an Honorary Doctoral Degree from Southern Bible Institute and College.
With God directing his life, he served as Moderator of the Original West Texas Baptist District Association, Inc. (2004-2008), and was appointed for a second term as Moderator of the Original West Texas Baptist District Association, Inc. from 2010 – 2013.
As Pastor McGruder considers all of his accomplishments, he acknowledges these accomplishments are nothing compared to loving God and yielding his whole life to doing God's will. He has presented his body as a living sacrifice to God.